Project Fatherhood (SM): Leadership

Making a positive difference in the lives of children

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Alan-Michael S. Graves

Alan-Michael S. Graves is the Director of Project Fatherhood in the Leadership Center at Children’s Institute, Inc. (CII). The Leadership Center at CII is the nucleus for a broad range of multidisciplinary activities, from research and program development to training and advocacy for policy change.

Mr. Graves has worked in the human services field with extensive experience as a manager and administrator for both public and private agencies. For the past 10 years, he has worked with at-risk children, with a particular focus on those involved in the child welfare system. He has served on many national and local boards of organizations designed to treat at-risk children and families. He brings these diverse perspectives to his work helping agencies and systems to develop, implement and evaluate interagency systems of care, family partnership and fatherhood programs.

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