Project Fatherhood (SM): News Article: A Father’s Words by Doug Spangler

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May 4, 2015

A Father’s Words by Doug Spangler

One of our fatherhood’s greatest joys is when our children grow old enough to hold conversations. In fact, most of us get quite impatient for that time.

If you’re like the fathers I’ve talked to over the years, you’ve discovered that teaching your family’s language has more implications than you’d thought. You soon realize the key to language development is choosing the best words to fit a situation. So you want your child to know the right ones for communicating his needs, ideas, and feelings.

But, in the process of learning words, your young child may blurt out some you didn’t teach him. Usually these are swear words or hurtful words. You know the ones I mean. He may utter them casually or in anger or frustration. And you ask yourself, “Where did he learn those?” Your first reaction is to blame his friends, preschool, school, or even grandpa. But in many cases, the source is closer. In fact, it’s that man in your mirror.

Now, before you start feeling too bad, realize this—we’ve all done it. I don’t know of any guy who hasn’t realized he must guard or change his language as a father. It’s even more crucial as your child grows older and becomes aware of the power words hold.

This change also benefits you. As you achieve more control of what you say, you’ll get better in talking with your child. This will help you become a stronger, more effective father. And you’ll enjoy your fatherhood more. I guarantee it. You have my word on it.

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