Project Fatherhood (SM): News Article: CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS - 9th Annual Fatherhood Solution Conference

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November 20, 2015

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS - 9th Annual Fatherhood Solution Conference

Deadline This Friday December 18, 2015!


Children’s Institute, Inc. invites you to submit a workshop proposal for its Annual Fatherhood Solutions Conference, scheduled for Friday, June 17, 2016, in Los Angeles, CA.

This dynamic gathering has proven to be popular for both professionals and fathers. The conference shines the light on the importance that fathers play in the daily lives of their children, families and within the broader community.

The goal of this conference is to educate, train and create dialogue on the impact of fathers in child welfare systems, foster care, early childhood education, school readiness and child wellness/resiliency.

In keeping with the multidisciplinary spirit of the program, we encourage practitioners, educators, researchers and advocates from all aspects of social services, child welfare and mental health to participate as both presenters and attendees.

In addition to providing professionals with the latest research, best practices and innovations, we have included a designated track for fathers to help them gain knowledge and practical parenting skills.

Submit your proposal:

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